Aubrey Bergauer

The patron retention dashboard the arts has been missing




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Imagine all your most important audience and donor metrics in one place…

Artelize has made that 👆 pretty real easy.

If you can upload a spreadsheet, you can access ALL your data and key patron segments, beautifully laid out, easy to read, in about two seconds.

Because accessing your own data should be that easy.

✓easier for board meetings

✓easier for marketing and development to work together

✓easier to see all in one place without running multiple reports

Full dashboard.png

“The dashboard I’ve been wanting for every arts organization.”

In 2017, I wrote a blog article that ended up going viral — all about the Long Haul Model for patron retention as a better way to reverse audience attrition, churn, and aging.

By the end of 2019, the model was trademarked and my consulting work had taken off, but the biggest hangup for just about every organization I’ve worked with, no matter their size or artistic discipline, was how to quickly and efficiently track the key retention metrics I had written about.

Artelize has brilliantly solved the biggest challenge I’ve seen across arts marketing and development: how to track your own patron retention data.

Their dashboard works across any CRM system, magically mapping the right data fields to the right places (ok, fine, it’s not magic, just savvy software development), and seemingly effortlessly giving the one stop place to access your patron retention data across every important metric: first time buyers, multi-buyers, subscribers, and donors.

The Artelize team brought me in to their process. I then brought in clients to test the product with their own, real data. And now we get to bring in YOU, sharing the dashboard at a slick discount to get you going.

I’m so passionate about the time, money, and effort this dashboard will save you and your teams, allowing you to finally harness your data in one place. From first time buyers to repeat buyers to new subscribers to eventually donors, the audience journey just got so much easier to manage and track, no long haul about it.


Participants in the Run It Like A Business Academy save even more: 50% off all plans when you enroll by July 1.