“Since taking the course, I received multiple promotions at the Pittsburgh Symphony (PSO). However, I ultimately was able to identify the right moment to leave the PSO and find a much better fit for me at the St. Louise Symphony (SLSO). I have since been able to use my voice confidently in a way that allows people to listen, ultimately leading to strong rapport with the executive team, and even the opportunity to present at a conference!”

Allison L. — St. Louis Symphony, Associate Director of Digital Engagement

“I went from not being able to land an internship, to landing roles that I am incredibly passionate about. I have more confidence in my perspective and voice as an emerging leader which allows me to communicate effectively with others.”

Paula W. — Equity Arc, Member Services and Communications Manager


“This was as much a networking opportunity as it was professional growth. [After taking the course] I am a stronger leader. Plain and simple. I have faith in my leadership skills especially when it comes to managing people…I empower my team to find their own way to creating content and solving problems.”

Kevin D. - CapRadio, Director of Music Programming

“Before encountering Aubrey, I struggled with knowing my purpose. That has all changed since discovering Aubrey [and] especially attending Uplevel. Knowing I'm not alone and that there are others in this industry that have a similar mindset has been so eye opening.”

Nathan S. - Nashville Symphony, CRM Directort